A typical workflow in KOB authorization issuing service is likely to use a workflow for issuing credentials that is similar to the following:
The service defines and publishes any pre-requisite authorizations/credentials an association must have before applying for a credential from the service. For example, an association might need to prove they are a registered entity, have a tax number, and insurance. An association applies for the credential, typing information about the pre-requisites and any other data needed by the service before reviewing the application. Normally, the association would also pay a fee for the application process and/or for the authorization itself. The person submitting the application might also need to prove they have the authority to act on behalf of the applying association. The service validates the application information provided and makes a decision to issue (or not) the authorization to the association. If the authorization is approved, the service provides the association with a document - a permit/ licence/ registration - that they can use to prove to others that the association has that authority. The association might display the authorization on the wall and/or might take it to others to prove it was issued. For example to a bank for use in a business loan application process.
All these authorized associations are stored in the association wallet, and each association is a part of the KOB verifiable Organization Network. If a citizen want to be part of an association, first he establishes a connection to KOBAW through the KOB Connect App. Citizen will have all their proofs in their KOBConnect Wallet. Satisfying the required proofs will allow the citizen to be part of an association and these are done by the approving authority. All the details of these verifiable credentials and proofs are stored in the KOB VCR(Verifiable Credential Registry).
The KOB Association wallet, KOB Verifiable Credential Register, KOB Verifiable Organization Network and other services are hosted in the Community Cloud Of Kochi OrgBook (KOBCC)